英文面試必問20題英文面試必問1.請簡單介紹你自己 Tell me a little about yourself. 英文面試必問2.為何你會有興趣到本公司服務? Why are you interested in working for our company? 燒烤英文面試必問3.你希望擔任什麼職務? What kind of work would you like to do? 英文面試必問4.你喜歡單獨一人工作還是和別人共事呢? Do you like to work alone, or as part of a team? 訂做禮服英文面試必問5.你認為什麼是你的優點? What do you consider to be your strong points? 英文面試必問6.你認為什麼是你的缺點? What do you consider to be your weak points? 英文面試必租房子問7.為什麼你會離開原來的公司? Why did you leave last company? 英文面試必問8.你對加班的看法如何? How do you feel about working overtime? 英文面試必問9.你擁有多少雄心壯志? 商務中心How ambitious are you? 英文面試必問10.你的最低薪資要求是多少? What is your minimum salary requirement? 英文面試必問11.你願意調任分公司嗎? Would you be willing to relocate to 好房網a branch office? 英文面試必問12.目前為止,你所完成的最大成就為何? What is the biggest achievement you’ve ever made? 英文面試必問13.你願意接受健康檢查嗎? Are you willing to 酒店工作take a physical exam? 英文面試必問14.你願意接受一連串的性向測驗嗎? Are you willing to take series personality tests? 英文面試必問15.空閒時間你都做些什麼? How do you like to 烤肉spend your free time? 英文面試必問16.列舉幾本你最近看過的書 Name the books you’ve read recently. 英文面試必問17.你有加入任何社團組織嗎? Do you belong to any associations or seoclubs? 英文面試必問18.平常你都閱讀哪些報紙、雜誌 What newspapers and magazines do you take? 英文面試必問19.你在校表現如何? How well did you do in school? 英文面試必問20.你有作膠原蛋白些什麼以充實自己嗎? Are you doing anything to improve you? 

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